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Life Insurance
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Mediclaim & Health Insurance

A Mediclaim / Health Insurance policy is generally designed to cover the cost of medical treatment, such as the cost of hospitalization, healthcare services and related expenses, due to illness or accident for Self, Spouse & Children on Family Floater or Individual Basis.

There are various types of Health Insurance available to cover All Illness/Accident related expenses, Specific Illness related expenses in Basic and Top-Up variants as under :

1. Basic Health Insurance
This policy covers all expenses related to illness / accident for selected sum insured. It mainly covers :
• Available in the Sum Insured range of 2 Lac to 50 Lac
• Room & Nursing Charges
• Diagnostic Charges
• Doctor & Specialist Charges
• Medicine Charges
• Road Ambulance Charges
• Income Tax Benefits upto INR 25000/- U/s. 80D

2. Top-Up / Super Top-Up Health Insurance
This policy covers all expenses related to illness / accident for selected sum insured which are over and above of Basic Health Insurance and usually cheaper in terms of premium. This policy may be taken in addition to Basic Health Insurance / Group Mediclaim OR without having any other Basic or Group Mediclaim to enhance family protection. It mainly covers :
• Available in the Sum Insured range of 5 Lac to 1 Crore with deductible range of 2 Lac to 10 Lac
• Room & Nursing Charges
• Diagnostic Charges
• Doctor & Specialist Charges
• Medicine Charges
• Road & Air Ambulance Charges
• Income Tax Benefits upto INR 25000/- U/s. 80D

3. Critical Illness Insurance / Cancer & Heart Care Insurance
This policy provides benefit of a selected sum insured related to covered critical illness. This policy may be taken in addition to Basic Health Insurance and / or Top-Up Health Insurance
• Available in the Sum Insured range of 1 Lac to 1 Crore with specific illness coverage
• Only Diagnosis of covered critical illness is required to settle claim after a waiting period
• Full Sum Insured is settled once covered illness is diagnosed and waiting period is over irrespective of actual expenses as it is a benefit policy
• Cancer & Heart Insurance shall provide extended cover of waiver of premium for next few years and also provide for regular income for future
• Income Tax Benefits upto INR 25000/- U/s. 80D

Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident insurance or PA insurance policy which provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death caused by accidental, external and visible events to Self, Spouse and Children. It is different from life insurance and mediclaim & health insurance.

The type of coverage that is normally provided under Personal Accident policy are :
• Accidental Death
• Permanent Total Disability
• Permanent Partial Disability
• Temporary Total Disability
• Weekly Compensation for Loss of Income up to 100 Weeks
• Medical Expenses related to Accidental Treatment
• Accidental Hospitalization Expenses
• Daily Hospital Cash Benefits
• Death or Disability Cover due to Adventure Sports
• Air & Road Ambulance Cover
• Compensation for Coma due to Accidental Bodily Injury
• Loan & EMI Protection Cover
• Fracture Cover
• Funeral Expenses
• Repatriation of Mortal Remains
• Child Education Expenses

Vehicle Insurance

One of the largest insurance sector and coverage is Vehicle Insurance. This is due to the fact that Insurance is mandatory for all vehicles as per Road Transport Act.

When you buy a vehicle, you need to buy an insurance policy for use of the vehicle on the road. There are, however, many types of vehicle insurance policies available for Two Wheeler, Battery Operated Vehicles, Private Car, Commercial Vehicles, Misc. Vehicles etc. The common types of insurance are :

Third Party Cover
This policy insures you against claims for bodily injuries or deaths caused to other persons (known as the third party), as well as loss or damage to third party property caused by your vehicle.

Comprehensive Cover
This policy provides the widest coverage, i.e. third party bodily injury and death, third party property loss or damage and loss or damage to your own vehicle due to accidental fire, theft or an accident. This coverage may further be extended optionally for getting Add-On coverage like Road Side Assistance, Nil Depreciation, Coverage to Consumable Parts, Engine & Gear Box Protection, NCB Protection, Tyre Cover, Return to Invoice, Loss of Keys & Loss of Personal Belongings etc.

Travel Insurance

The Travel Insurance policy covers emergencies, accidents and financial losses to the Insured and family arising during Travel by Air, Sea or Road. Travel Insurance is available for International Travel, Domestic Travel, Student Travel and Corporate Travel Multi-Trip Plans.


• Hospitalization and Medical Expenses & Dental Treatment
Coverage for inpatient hospitalization, hospital or surgical expenses, outpatient medical expenses, as well as daily allowances.

• Repatriation
In the event of death of the insured, the insurer will reimburse the insured’s nominee for the cost of returning the mortal remains up to home town.

• Accidental Death and Total Permanent Disablement
Coverage for death and total permanent disablement due to accident overseas, few products shall extend this coverage even in India during period of insurance.

• Loss of Checked Luggage
This covers accidental loss to your baggage, clothing, personal effects except Cash & Jewellery caused by the carrier.

• Delay of Checked Luggage
This covers delay of luggage by the carrier for more than 24 hrs of your reaching the destination for a specific insured amount to start up the journey.

• Loss of Passport
This covers cost of preparation of duplicate Passport in foreign embassy and related costs.

• Hijack
This coverage provides a specified daily cash benefit in case of an act of Hijack.

• Trip Delay
This coverage provides a compensation for food & beverages against connected flight delay due to technical or weather reasons.

• Trip Cancellation & Curtailment
This coverage provides cover against Trip Cancellation due to emergency hospitalisation of traveller before the commencement of insurance coverage to claim for reimbursement for expenses incurred due to loss of travel or accommodation and related expenses. Trip Curtailment covers emergency charges of re-scheduling the return journey in case of death in specified relative in blood relation of the insured traveller.

• Personal Liability
This coverage provides a specified compensation in case of offence due to which a third party property is damaged or there is a third party personal injury. This also supports legal cost.

• Home Burglary
This coverage provides a specified compensation in case of burglary in locked and un-attended home in India while the insured is travelling out.

• Missed Connection
This coverage provides a specified compensation in case of delay for more than 12 Hrs in Indian Flight due to which International connecting Flight is missed.

Fire / House Holder’s Insurance

This insurance protects your building and/or contents. There are three main types of policies which you can buy to protect your Home / Apartment / Business Premises :

This policy covers your building and/or contents from loss or damage caused by fire and allied perils. The coverage is also extended to include special perils & natural calamities e.g. storm and tempest, flood, earthquake etc.

Extended cover
Fire policy can be extended to cover the following perils with / without additional premium :
• Earthquake and volcanic eruption
• Aircraft Damage
• Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane etc.
• Lightning
• Flood & Inundation damage
• Explosion / Imlosion
• Impact Damage
• Bursting and/or Overflowing of Water Tanks, Apparatus or Pipes
• Riot, Strike and Malicious Damage
• Bush Fire
• Subsidence and Landslide including Rock Slide
• Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installations

This is a package policy to cover your Home Property and Household Contents including coverage for Valuables and other related items like Jewellery ant Art Pieces and also Public & Workmen Liability.

The Householder Policy provide cover for loss or damage to your building and/or contents caused by any of the following on Reinstatement or Indemnity basis :
• Fire & Allied Perils
• Earthquake
• Theft & Burglary
• Jewellery & Precious Items
• Work of Art & Paintings
• Plate Glass
• Breakdown of Domestic Appliances
• Electronic Equipments / Portable Equipments
• Pedal Cycles
• Baggage Insurance
• Personal Accident Insurance
• Public Liability
• Workmen’s Insurance
• Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm
• Earthquake, volcanic eruption
• Flood but excluding loss or damage caused by subsidence and landslip

This is a package policy more suitable to Apartments & Flats to cover your Home Property and Household Contents including coverage for Valuables and other related items like Jewellery ant Art Pieces and also Public & Workmen Liability.

The All Risk Policy provide cover for loss or damage to your building and/or contents caused by any of the following on Agreed Value or Indemnity basis :
• Cost of Sale Deed & Lifetime Maintenance
• New for Old concept
• Loss of Rent
• Temporary Resettlement Cover
• Keys & Locks Replacement Cover
• ATM Withdrawal Robbery Cover
• Loss of Wallet Cover
• Dog Insurance Cover
• Terrorism Cover
• Fire & Allied Perils
• Earthquake
• Theft & Burglary
• Jewellery & Precious Items
• Work of Art & Paintings
• Plate Glass
• Breakdown of Domestic Appliances
• Electronic Equipments / Portable Equipments
• Pedal Cycles
• Baggage Insurance
• Personal Accident Insurance
• Public Liability
• Workmen’s Insurance